The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Optimal Health and Fitness for Girls in 2022

Girls Fitness Guide

How can girls get a fit body?

Girls Fitness Guide
How to get fit body for girls 

Nowadays Fitness became a day to day routine of our life. Irrespective of gender,age everyone what to be fit and healthy. There are so many articles on how can boy get a fit body. But today I will share you important tips to girls so that they can get a perfect fit body.

Steps to get fit body for girls:

 1. Mind Relaxing Method:

Wake up in the morning at 5 AM and get relief by doing Yoga. Which is super comfortable and works effectively. Doing Yoga not only increases your pleasent State of mind but also make your body warm. For efficient results join Yoga classes and start your day with fresh mind.

2. Perfect Food on Perfect Time:

Morning diet:

In early morning take breakfast with high nutritious food which contains important minerals, vitamins and high calories.Try to eat half stomach in morning so that you can feel light and your brain gets more active.

Healthy menu for girls should eat in morning time:

Whole grain waffles

Yogurt with fresh fruit
Grain cereals

Mixed Nuts and dry fruits etc....

Afternoon diet:

In Afternoon, Your body becomes slow and needs more energy to work. So you should eat more to get energy necessary for your body. Consider food with rich proteins,fats which are necessary for body shaping. Don't eat food with high fats and avoid junk food outside. Try to have lunch
between 12 Pm to 1Ppm.

Healthy menu for girls should eat in noon time:

Dal recipes

Boiled egg

Fish fry

Evening diet:

In evening, Your body feels lazy. So you should eat something which active your senses. Most of the girls neglect to eat food in night. Whatever you eat in night is not important but how you end your dinner is important. So try to have desserts with your meal.

Healthy  menu for girls should eat in night time:

Banana cinnamon rolls

Creamy coconut milk papaya 

Peanut butter fudge

Almond and cheese stuffed dates

3.Daily Cycling the bicycle.

Girls muscles tissues are  soft from boys. So heavy gym workout may damage delicate parts in the body causing sevier injury. So I always recommend you to do cycling which applies pressure on hands and legs. It works like an exercise. The more you ride bicycle, the more you loss fat in your body.

4.Don't neglect to drink water.

Water is  essential mineral for girls who what to become healthy. You need to have atleast 8 cups of water in a full working day. Drinking water can make you away from constipation etc..
Try to have mineral water and avoid tap water and water from borewell , because it's may contain sodium and magnesium salts which damage our health.If you don't have any bicycle
then you can run or walk to burn some calories.

5.Carefull about your Fitness.

Girls take things simple. A small illness can make a big way of your health. So always be responsible and consult doctor about your health problems and know details of the cause. Follow doctor words and try to have prevention of illness.

6. sleep Is important.

Always set alarm to have atleast 6 hour's to sleep and a maximum of 8 hours. On research, that the more you sleep the more your body get heal. Sleep is factor of life. Don't use any gadgets that disturb your sleep.And always close your mouth while long sleep to avoid noise.


In the above post i have described how can girls get fit with out any gym. And discussed about various food items that gives you a perfect shape.Use your free time and try to follow up above guide. Be happy have fun and share this article with your family and friends.


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